Monday, November 1, 2010


It's that time of year again! VOTING TIME!
As an American citizen, I strongly think that we should all vote when elections come around. Why? Well, one day you're going to complain that this person didn't do this so well and that person should have did this instead.. To me, a person who doesn't vote (besides underage) shouldn't really have that chance of complaining. If you want the place around you to get better, let it be known and cast your vote. One vote DOES make a difference.

For the recent presidential election, I was not old enough to vote, but I can tell you right now, Obama definitely had me if I was able to - and no, it was not because he was black! I mean, hooray!! someone who isn't white can be in the office now! But I could honestly care less what color you are. Even if you were Asian, I need to see that you have the standards and potential to run this country. McCain to me was just a little too elderly (not to be mean), and I barely saw what he could bring to the table. It's not really my job to go and find out who you are. You're the one spending millions on campaign ads for me to see, so there's your chance to get my attention- which he failed.

Everyone is different and has their own opinion on things. This was just a little bit of mine. I don't usually pay attention to any other elections beside the presidential one.

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